Friday, July 9, 2010

Bad News for Dems

Remember James Carville, the rabid Louisiana Democrat with the bald head? He coined the famous Clinton-era statement "It's the economy, stupid."

His polling firm Democracy Corps has found some results Democrats won't much like, as reported in the National Review. They asked how certain phrases or words described President Obama, they found:
On "too liberal,” 35 percent of likely voters say it describes Obama “very well,” 21 percent say “well,” 21 percent say “not too well,” and 17 percent say “not well at all.” In other words, 56 percent of likely voters consider Obama too liberal.

When asked about “a socialist,” 33 percent of likely voters say it describes Obama “very well,” 22 percent say “well,” 15 percent say “not too well,” and 25 percent say “not well at all.” In other words, 55 percent of likely voters think “socialist” is a reasonably accurate way of describing Obama.

No question they're right about "too liberal." I suspect Obama actually isn't a real "socialist" but he wants more government control than most of us do. This isn't good news for our friends across the aisle. Here is a link to the original survey.