Monday, September 6, 2010

Krugman, Friedman Down on Obama

See this article in Mediaite which reports what uber-liberal columnists Paul Krugman and Tom Friedman said on the This Week panel of ABC News. Both beat up on the Obama administration. Krugman says:
Obama has had no vision. He has not articulated a philosophy. What is Obama’s philosophy of government? He wobbles between sounding kind of like a liberal. Then he says, well, the conservatives have some points, too. He concedes the message.
Then Friedman says:
Obama completely over-read his mandate when he came in. (snip) I personally — just as a reporter, a columnist in Washington — have never seen a worse communicating administration, just at the basic, technical level....
You expect your enemies to come at you; it hurts a lot when your supposed friends do it too.