Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Mubarak Retrospective

Georgie Anne Geyer isn't young; she first came to Cairo in 1969 over 40 years ago. Nevertheless, that much experience and memory of a place are a basis of perspective latecomers simply don't have.

See her not-all-negative remembrance of Hosni Mubarak for Yahoo News, as she's interviewed him as a foreign journalist. I particularly like his answer to her question about his happiest time:
Oh, it was when I was a pilot. I loved flying ... I just loved flying.
This referring to his early career in the Egyptian Air Force. On the other hand, after Mubarak became president upon the assassination of Anwar Sadat, he was in some ways a typical Middle East autocrat. Her final judgment is this:
History may show that the lack of family planning was Mubarak's greatest failure; it wrote his doom in those sheer, hopeless numbers who overran the city last February.
Is family planning halal or permitted in Islamic countries? Large families are typical there.