Monday, July 2, 2012

NYT: Obama Losing Young

When the Obama-loving New York Times tells you he has a problem with a major voter base segment, believe it. Now the Gray Lady reports Obama is having trouble creating the excitement among the young he had four years ago.

Let's think ... how could this be true? In 2008, after eight years of Bush-Cheney realpolitik, the young wanted to believe in something idealistic. When Obama promised "hope" and "change" the kids believed because (a) they wanted it to be true and (b) there was little in his record contradicting his message.

Four years later, assuming they've paid attention, the young have discovered Obama is just another untrustworthy, boring politician who says one thing and does another. He has to run on his record and his record largely sucks.

Obama can't very well ask the young to ignore the last four years and instead recapture the 2008 dream. Meanwhile, the young owe too much on their student loans, they don't have jobs, and they're back living with their parents. What's not to love?

Four more years of this? If the young get around to voting they'll probably vote for Obama, but many won't bother and that is his problem.