Monday, January 21, 2013

Peters: The Afghan Screw-Up

Ralph Peters writes about military matters for the New York Post. After four years of the Obama administration, Peters takes a look at America's record in Afghanistan, and finds it wanting.

Peters' article is loaded with pithy nuggets of wisdom, for example this:
We invaded to smash al Qaeda and punish the Taliban for hosting them. Mission accomplished. Within six months. The correct military action would have been to remove our conventional-force presence while the jihadi bodies were still warm.
And this:
While we tied our forces down to worthless Afghan real estate, al Qaeda just went elsewhere. (Rule No. 1: When fighting a mobile enemy, stay mobile.)
And this:
Killing terrorists works, while trying to buy the love of their fan base doesn’t.
And this:
Local morale, not American money, is going to decide this conflict. People get the government they’ll fight for.
The Afghans on our side don't seem to be doing much fighting, other than shooting our troops (their coaches). You owe it to yourself to read Peters' scathing appraisal of our misadventures in Afghanistan.