Friday, August 2, 2013

The Benghazi Story Isn't Dead

If you've believed, as I have, there was more going on in Benghazi than was ever reported, I have three further columns you may want to read. The first is in The Atlantic by Conor Friedersdorf and the second is in CNN's The Lead with Jake Tapper, and is written by Drew Griffin. The third is in a U.K. paper's website, The Telegraph.

These three articles reveal Benghazi may not have been truly a consulate or branch State Department operation. It was instead a CIA operation of some size, possibly dealing with weapons left over from the downfall of Libya's Gaddafi regime; shipping said weapons to rebels in Syria.

Background whispers suggest a number of CIA personnel were wounded at the time the ambassador was killed. I wonder what the heck an ambassador was doing at a black ops site?