Monday, December 2, 2013

The Fight for Ukraine's Soul

An interesting tug-of-war is taking place in the Ukraine. Western-leaning folks look to Europe and the EU for allies while eastern-looking citizens are nostalgic for the former close ties with oversized neighbor Russia.

Until quite recently the pro-Russia people have been on the ascendant. When President Viktor Yanukovych turned down an EU treaty many said Putin had won.

This "turn-down" caused street demonstrations in Kiev and elsewhere so massive the President had to back down. He has now asked the EU to please restart negotiations toward a treaty. See an Associated Press article on a Yahoo News website for details.

Generally, Americans (myself included) are hoping Ukraine will link up with Europe. To get a sense of how this outcome looks to Russians, try a thought experiment. Imagine next door neighbor Canada decided to pull out of NATO and form a close alliance with China. How would we feel about it? Less than pleased, I'd guess.

Just sayin' ....