Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Call Center News

Overseas call centers are stereotypically located in India. Many Americans have been frustrated by the sing-song rhythms of Indian English, which often puts "the em-PHA-sis on the wrong syl-LA-ble."

Increasingly call centers are being relocated to the Philippines, according to this Global Post article. I believe Philippines call centers are logical. Lots of people in the Philippines speak passable American English, if with a slight accent.

I've interacted with scores of Filipino crew members on board the many ships on which I've cruised. The young Filipino men and women I've met have been friendly, hard-working people who are pleasant to be around. Cruise lines make an effort to hire affable people, I understand I've not met a random sample.

Some linguists say understanding its humor is the true test of whether you've mastered a language. It isn't uncommon to meet Filipino crew who have a sense of humor in English. A sense of humor should help them be good call center employees.