Saturday, July 11, 2015

A Misguided War on Suburbs

COTTonLINE's favorite demographer, Joel Kotkin, writes for RealClearPolitics about the Democrats and planning community's war on the suburbs, and on those who would live there. Kotkin concludes attacking present and future suburbanites is Democrat political suicide.

Contrary to those who would Europeanize us, Kotkin shows Americans don't want to live with urban densities. Suburbs are no longer lily white, many successful minorities have happily moved there. And suburbs tend to be less unequal economically than urban centers.

When your opponent is shooting himself in the foot, the last thing you want to do is yell "stop." I hope Democrats keep beating up on suburbs. Every suburbanite they tick off is a winnable voter for conservative causes. It may be how the GOP finally attracts minority voters.