Sunday, September 20, 2015

Voight-Kampff Reference

I'm scanning the entries on Instapundit when my eye falls on a reference to the Voight-Kampff machine, in a post by guest blogger Ed Driscoll. Blade Runner fans will remember the Voight-Kampff was the lie-detector-like means by which the police of that future era could distinguish a Tyrell Corp. replicant (naturalistic droid) from an actual human.

You see it in operation twice in the film, first when a Tyrell examiner tests a job applicant - Leon - who is, in fact, a runaway replicant. The second time, it is Rick Deckard, played by Harrison Ford who tests Rachel, an advanced replicant Tyrell thinks may pass the test. She nearly does.

Interestingly, Driscoll says nothing about the film Blade Runner in his blog post. That makes the reference the very essence of inside baseball.

His inference is that Hillary Clinton seems a replicant, a semi-natural droid. Not bad spotting, actually. Between this from Driscoll and Reynolds' frequent mentions of Robert Heinlein, I get the feeling the Instapundit gang are SF aficionados. I've been one since my teens.