Friday, November 27, 2015

Experience a Trump Rally provides a link to a Molly Ball article in The Atlantic which describes a Trump rally in Myrtle Beach, SC. You know she meant it to be a put-down, but her admiration for his skill and crowd-sense leaks through. Some random quotes.
They (the audience) seem so nice, your friends and neighbors. Your fellow Americans.

I hear, over and over again, that illegal immigration is the biggest problem we face. Almost everyone says their second-choice candidate is Ted Cruz, the senator from Texas; many express a wish that he and Trump would run on the same ticket.

These people aren’t skinheads. They don’t seem like jerks. Most of them are wearing jeans. (snip) There are a lot of couples. They are, it is true, overwhelmingly white people. Do you have a problem with that?

It is fun to be here. Even the reporters, to whose perfidy Trump devotes a substantial chunk of his speech, are having fun—you never know what Trump is going to say, and you get a lot of airtime.

Despite all the negativity and fear, the energy in this room does not feel dark and aggressive and threatening. It doesn’t feel like a powder keg about to blow, a lynch mob about to rampage. It feels joyous.

This is the thing Trump knows: You can stand around fretting about truth and propriety and the danger of pandering to baser instincts. Or you can give the people what they want.
The article makes a snide reference to Mrs. Trump's Slovenian ancestry. In case you don't know, independent Slovenia is Austria's de facto southern province. It is mountainous, pretty, thoroughly European and quite prosperous. Not at all part of the Balkan mess.