Friday, November 27, 2015

Who Is Next?

Campus radicals are demanding the names of various historical figures, mainly presidents, be removed from campus units, buildings, etc. because those worthies were insufficiently sensitive to black oppression. Several pundits have asked "Who is next?"

I propose Franklin Delano Roosevelt as the next target. As Commander in Chief he presided over a U.S. military with segregated units, black troops served in different units than did whites. Actually, every president until Harry S. Truman did so. That should make the lot of them anathema - non-persons in the Soviet sense.

Or, we can relax and say "Those were different times with different beliefs, and it makes no sense to impose today's values upon them. Let's honor what they accomplished in spite of it." I take that view but understand it will not appeal to young radicals and others who cannot or will not walk a mile in another's shoes.