Wednesday, December 9, 2015

GOP Primary Voters Back Trump's Plan

Over the past couple of days COTTonLINE has posted our belief GOP primary voters support Trump's proposal to stop Muslim immigration and tourism, pending a determination of its safety. Now there is proof.

Bloomberg Politics weigh's in with a poll done yesterday by Purple Strategies PulsePoll, here's what they learned:
Almost two-thirds of likely 2016 Republican primary voters favor Donald Trump's call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the U.S., while more than a third say it makes them more likely to vote for him.
Stop worrying about Trump running as an independent. If he keeps on as he has so far, he'll win the GOP nomination fair and square. When that happens the party poobahs who have dissed him will have to decide whether to sit this one out or eat crow and back him. I predict they'll hold their collective noses and back him.

Those party elites have complained Trump proposes something "that isn't us, it isn't what we do." True, there is no direct precident for banning a religious group.

If one is willing to accept (as I do) that Communism was, in all important respects, a religion, there is precident aplenty. We once banned known Communists from our shores, including those who perhaps meant us no harm.

At no point in the past has a significant portion of a world religion declared war on our country, our culture. Faced with challenging new circumstances, we either adapt or die - it's the imperitive of evolution.