Friday, January 8, 2016

Politico: Trump's Big Tent

Politico reports something we've been thinking: Trump's support is much more than blue-collar white males.
Certainly, non-college-educated men have formed his base. (snip) Trump's robust performance with this group, however, has deflected attention from the breadth of his coalition. Though Trump has less support with women and educated men, he's still at or near the top of the GOP field in those categories.

Trump also runs particularly well with people looking for a "strong leader."
After seven years of the whiny Obama metrosexual presidency, voters crave an anti-Obama. Testosterone-driven Trump is that guy.

He's a sort of latter-day Teddy Roosevelt, full of bluster and bravado. He'd probably call his style "high energy," which certainly described TR back in the day.