Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Our Direction of Travel

The Associated Press writes, via Yahoo News, that Democrats are becoming nostalgic for Mitt Romney, in reaction to Donald Trump.
Horrified by the prospect of Trump in the White House, Obama and his party have changed their tune about Romney. As they denounce Trump as "unhinged" and unfit, they're getting nostalgic about the 2012 Republican nominee they now describe as principled, competent and honorable.
And if they succeed in electing Clinton, they'll be nostalgic about Trump in 2020. Kurt Schlichter, who blogs at Townhall, has imagined the inaugural speech made by Clinton's successor. A sample:
The Tea Party was a polite request for fairness and respect, but the elite and its media lapdogs spat on you.

Donald Trump’s movement was an impolite request for fairness and respect, but the elite and their media lapdogs spat on you and, as we now know, rigged Hillary Clinton’s election.

Today, we are no longer requesting anything. We are demanding fairness and respect, and we will have it … by any means necessary!
So ends a multiparty republic with a 250 year history.