Monday, November 7, 2016


The polls open on the East Coast in less than six hours. We'll start getting results from the right coast by maybe 6 p.m. on the left coast. Twenty-four hours from now we should have a good idea of the makeup of the elected part of FedGov for the next two/four years.

I'm willing to be pleasantly surprised, but honestly don't expect that outcome. Too many polls show HRC with a slight edge to justify optimism.

However the election turns out, life goes on. What may not "go on" is this fine country we inherited from the "greatest generation." The U.S. begins to feel "overripe."

It has had a good run, but it may be winding down, slowly enough I hope to enable me to live out my life in relative comfort and safety. Readers with grandchildren should be concerned about their later years, I believe.