Monday, November 7, 2016

It Won't Be Long

Forty-eight hours from now we should have a pretty good idea of how the election turned out, so long as we don't have a "hanging chad" problem in Florida or elsewhere. Pundits have noted some ways the electoral college could end up tied, but I don't expect to see that in my lifetime.

However it turns out, half the country will be pissed and grumpy. Either my half or the other half, one of us will be somewhat happy and the other will be lots of unhappy. Half will be hopeful, only to be disappointed later, and half will be disappointed, only to become more so with the passage of time.

Rooting for a political party is like rooting for a sports team. The trouble with rooting for a political party is that instead of "wait until next year" losers end up saying "wait until four years from now."

I'm not young but I have a reasonable chance of seeing two more presidential elections after this one. It's entirely possible I'll never see a winning season again. A Republican who watched FDR defeat Hoover in '32 wouldn't see another Republican president until Ike in '52, some twenty years later.

Writing in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Wayne Allyn Root argues that if Trump isn't elected, there will never be another Republican elected president. He reasons open borders will flood the country with illegals who will be given amnesty quickly and vote Democrat while living on welfare essentially forever. I wish I could believe Root is an alarmist.