Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Another Polarization

Science News summarizes research which finds that religious experience in the U.S., like much else in our public life, is becoming polarized. Hat tip to for the link.

To summarize, Americans increasingly are either committed believers in evangelical churches or non-participants in organized religious activity. What is losing ground (and members) are the mainstream, moderate churches which were once dominant in this society.

SN is careful to note that a fair number of non-participants say they remain believers but find no utility in church attendance. These report conducting their religious life “internally” between them and their God.


How much of the drop-off in church attendance do you suppose is driven by the increase in households where all adults are employed full-time? We know it is responsible for the decline in membership in service clubs and fraternal orders.

Having spent all of my pre-retirement adult life living in households where all adults worked, I know well that for many who live thus devoting a quarter of your weekend to church is a non-starter. The weekend is the main time you have for shopping, house and yard work, recreation, and catch-up sleep.