Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Power Is Zero Sum

Middle East historian Martin Kramer has taken issue with President Obama's notion that "Power is no longer a zero-sum game." Writing in the online magazine Tablet, he says:
In the Middle East, power is a zero-sum game, domination by a benevolent hegemon creates order, and the regional balance of power is the foundation of peace. It’s the pax Americana, and while it may be stressful to uphold it, the alternative is more stressful still. And as the impression of American power wanes, we are getting a foretaste of “post-American” disorder. A struggle has begun among the middle powers—Iran, Turkey, and Israel—to fill the vacuum. Iran floods Lebanon with rockets, Turkey sends a flotilla to Gaza, Israel sends an assassination squad to Dubai—these are all the signs of an accelerating regional cold war. Each middle power seeks to demonstrate its reach, around, above, and behind the fading superpower.
I don't view "rockets" and "assassination squads" as particularly "cold," although given the violent history of the Middle East, perhaps they aren't "hot." The rest of his comments about this powder-keg region are on-target.

Hat tip to The Wall Street Journal for the citation.