Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How To Read His Numbers

A Washington Post article by Jon Cohen and Dan Balz reports that President Obama's approval rating remains steady at around 51%. This seems unusual in the context of the three scandals belaboring the Obama administration.

How to understand this apparent anomaly? Two days ago we remarked in a trailing comment on another story as follows:
That would be true if the people who voted to reelect Obama paid attention to the news - with their votes they demonstrated they do not. Many are voting on criteria other than performance in office.
Perhaps it is now time to amplify these remarks. I believe many Obama voters support him, less for what he does, more for what he is, what he represents to them merely by being President.

As a black man, Barack Obama represents an end of the hegemony of white men in the control of this nation. That has to be an immensely powerful symbol to the tens of millions of black, Hispanic, and Asian voters.

Perhaps the symbolism works for white women as well; about that, as a man, I am much less certain.