Sunday, May 12, 2013

Tick, tick, tick ....

The press is turning on the Obama administration's handling of the Benghazi assassination affair and on the IRS using audits to pursue a political agenda. In this post I will put links to the Sunday articles saying, essentially, "oh my, look what we overlooked!"

Here is an article by the usually pro-Obama New Yorker saying that the Benghazi coverup is underway. They are a little late, but better late than never.

Joe Klein in Time is absolutely poisonous about the IRS attacks on conservative groups. Hat tip to Matt Drudge of Drudge Report for these two links.

The Washington Post weighs in on the IRS story.

News Busters has Kirsten Powers, the Deputy Assistant Trade Representative for Public Affairs in the Clinton administration saying on Fox News of the Benghazi attempted cover up:
Bill Clinton would not have gotten away with this.