Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Having the Right Data

John Hawkins writes a column at Townhall, here he presents 15 statistics which, he rightly claims, "destroy liberal narratives." I share three favorites below to whet your appetite.
Less than 1 percent of college students are the victim of a sexual assault -- 0.6 percent to be exact -- not to be confused with the 20 percent, or "one in five," claimed by feminists and President Obama.

Gallup found that support for President Obama’s amnesty order was primarily among the foreign born population — whether Latino or not.

Claims that the (wicked, wicked) “1 percent” saw their incomes go up by such and such an amount over the past decade or two ignore the fact that different people compose the 1 percent every year, and that 75 percent of the super-rich households in 1995 were in a lower income group by 2005.