Monday, February 2, 2015

An Emerging Republican Advantage

Writing in National Journal, John B. Judis points to indicators of an emerging Republican political advantage. Basically, it involves the Democrats' declining ability to attract white blue collar and middle class voters. See his conclusion:
In some form, the Republican era which began in 1980 is still with us. Reagan Republicanism—rooted in the long-standing American distrust of government, but perhaps with its roughest theocratic and insurrectionary edges sanded off for a national audience—is still the default position of many of those Americans who regularly go to the polls.

It can be effectively challenged when Republicans become identified with economic mismanagement or with military defeat. But after the memory of such disasters has faded, the GOP coalition has reemerged—surprisingly intact and ready for battle.
Full disclosure: Judis has been wrong before so he may be wrong this time too.