Friday, July 14, 2017

Be Careful What You Wish For ...

Instapundit Glenn Reynolds shares a whimsical thought on the whole dump-on-Trump thing.
Say Trump actually gets tired of this and resigns. Will Democrats be happy with what comes next? I suggest that they won’t. Two likely things: Trump doesn’t actually go away, but wages full-time political war against his critics, while Mike Pence becomes miraculously transformed into Hitler, just like all Republicans do once they’re president. Then if I’m Pence I name Ted Cruz VP, because enough Dems and Republicans would fear a Cruz presidency to put the kibosh on any efforts to get rid of Pence — and enough Dems and Republicans in the Senate dislike Cruz to ensure they’d confirm him just to get him out of there. . . .
And a Pence presidency would likely push a law requiring weekly church attendance ... just kidding, I hope.