Sunday, November 26, 2017

Keeping Good Company

I was reading a CNN article about how we can’t stop watching President Trump, whether we like him or not. It is essentially true, and very useful to him.

He shares a trait with FDR, Jack Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill and Fidel Castro - he knows his audience and knows how to use media to reach them and to keep his name front and center in their collective consciousness. Current slang might say he is living rent-free in everyone’s head.

We called Reagan “a great communicator” and I think we’re well on our way to hanging that label around The Donald’s neck. Dilbert creator Scott Adams has been trumpeting this line for months and, so far, he has been on the money.

A telling point was the reporting that Trump would ask to view a replay of any televised interview he gave or speech he made. He would do so with the sound turned off.

In other words, Trump must believe what he says is less important than how he looks while saying it. At least where the use of media is concerned, Trump is playing 3 dimensional chess.