Saturday, November 4, 2017

Travel Blogging XVII

At sea, bound for Exmouth, Australia: All our remaining port calls will be in Australia, we are headed nearly due south from Bali. In addition to today we have at least one more sea day before reaching port.

Exmouth is on Australia's very much less developed northwestern coast. Like the much bigger Perth/Fremantle complex to the south, it looks west across the Indian Ocean. The last time we sailed this ocean we were en route from Singapore to Rome via coastal India and the Suez Canal.

I've largely exhausted the guy-type pop novel collection of this ship's library, books by Clancy, Evanovich, Cussler, Griffith, etc. Now I will look at biographies and other exotica. I was supposed to load up my Kindle before we left the States, and never got around to doing so ... my bad. If we can get a fast, free WiFi connection in Exmouth perhaps I'll do so there.