Wednesday, November 29, 2017

We Oversexed Anthropoids

Take the news this morning that NBC has fired Matt Lauer, co-host of the Today Show. Add the cascade of #MeToo revelations that began with Harvey Weinstein, the harassment on Capitol Hill and the problems Roman Catholics have had with pedophilic priestly misbehavior.

Splice on Bill Clinton’s zipper malfunctions and the fact in some demographics most children are born out of wedlock. Don’t overlook the untold numbers of babies we kill each year, euphemistically calling it “choice.”

The poor job we humans do of managing our reproductive (and associated recreational) behavior is stunning. Men abuse women and other men, women abuse men and other women, both abuse children and the aged. Even animals occasionally gain our unwanted attention. And yet, because of, or in spite of, all the activity, many have needs unmet or are scarred in the attempt.

It is altogether not a pretty picture. The scope of the collective problem is enormous. Our efforts at even a partial solution seem insignificant by comparison. I don’t expect answers anytime soon, perhaps not in the lifetime of any of us, perhaps never.

You have to wonder if unbridled, freeform horniness is the price we humans must pay to keep our species extant. It seems likely.

Later ... breaking news ... Minnesota Public Radio has announced they've fired long-time Prairie Home Companion host Garrison Keillor for "inappropriate behavior." What other icons are about to crumble, one wonders?

I conclude folks in show biz and politics are even worse than my late father claimed. He swore they were nearly all low-life pond scum.