Saturday, October 23, 2010

CA Should Vote Blue

As regular readers know, I'm a native of California who now calls Wyoming home. Nevertheless, I maintain an interest in CA, including in its politics. As a conservative, I should be rooting for eBay CEO Meg Whitman to win the governorship. That's where my heart is, but my head says CA should vote for that old fool Moonbeam Brown.

As Desi would say to Lucy, "you got some 'splainin' to do." I agree, here goes. The districting structure of CA is so gerrymandered that it is extremely unlikely to elect a Republican majority at any time in the foreseeable future. Whoever is governor will work with a Democratic majority.

A Dem majority will be inclined to "blow off" a GOP governor, less likely to do so for one of their own party. Like it or not, a Dem governor will have a better chance of working out a solution to California's structural problems than one from the GOP. CA needs a solution, as what they've got now doesn't work.

BTW, the above reasoning does not apply to who CA elects for senator. I hope they go for Fiorina.