Saturday, October 16, 2010

Palin in the WaPo

Imagine a pro-Palin column in The Washington Post - nah, no way, you'd say. Oh, yeah, way. The Post has a column by Matthew Continetti which very much sounds like a defense of this much-maligned woman.

Continetti lists five 'fables' about Palin and does a decent job of debunking four of them. The four he nails include Palin costing McCain the 2008 election, her resignation as Alaskan governor being a wrong move, Palin and the tea party being a bad thing for the GOP, and her views being extreme.

I'm not sure Continetti does a good job of debunking 'fable five,' her being unelectable at the presidential level. I agree she can get Republicans and Independents to take another look at her. I don't sense she has the discipline to put in the hard work to get from where she is now - a media celebrity - to where she needs to be to have gravitas, to appear presidential.

About electability, Continetti makes an interesting point when he says the following:
A presidential contest is a choice. The public might not love Palin. But by 2012, Americans might absolutely despise Obama. Two more years of a bad economy and an unpopular Afghan war, and anything is possible. Yes, there's a ceiling to Palin's support. But in 2012, there also will be a ceiling to Obama's. Whose will be higher?
This wisdom comes from the old story about two guys being chased by a hungry bear. To survive you don't have to be able to outrun the bear, only to outrun the other guy.

My reaction: Please, please, not a sixth consecutive lesser-of-two-evils presidential ballot. How much failed leadership can our sturdy old ship of state withstand?