Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Maybe the Cuban Solution, Maybe Not

An article in The American Spectator predicts that, based on CAFE laws put in place by the Obama administration, new pickup trucks will soon be a thing of the past. Requiring a Corporate Average Fuel Economy of 35.5 mpg will make trucks impractical.

Perhaps, but as the other DrC says, "pickup trucks never die." So, if the government makes it impractical to sell new trucks, a substantial industry will develop in rebuilding older trucks to keep them on the road more-or-less forever - the Cuban solution. I would happily rebuild my diesel F350 when the time comes.

However, as The Wall Street Journal reported a couple of weeks ago, Americans prefer trucks and SUVs. And, politicians like to give the people what they want.

Under an administration less committed to social engineering than the Obama administration, I can easily imagine the CAFE standards being revised to once again exclude pickup trucks and SUVs because voters want that to happen.