Sunday, February 26, 2012

Opinions of the 50 States

See a Reuters report of a survey done by Public Policy Polling asking people's opinions of the fifty states. The survey segments respondents by gender and political affiliation.

On August 20, 2011, I noted Public Policy Polling is a Democratic polling firm, something the Reuters article doesn't mention. Which explains PPP's desire to segment the responses by gender and party, politically relevant categories.

Alas, California got the lowest ratings with 42% unfavorable and 27% favorable. Other states with negative views included Mississippi, Illinois, New Jersey, and Utah.

Hawaii got the highest positive rating, with 54% favorable and 10% unfavorable. Other states with high positives included Colorado, Tennessee, South Dakota, and Virginia.

Republicans like Texas and Alaska; Democrats like Hawaii, Massachusetts, Oregon and Washington. Women like New York, men like the cowboy states of Montana, Wyoming, and the two Dakotas.

Respondents must have used a political framework when judging states. In spite of its high taxes and dysfunctional politics, non-urban California remains the most pleasant place in North America to live year round.

The only thing better is the migratory snowbird life - south in winter and north in summer. This is usually available only to those who do not hold a normal job, mostly retirees.