Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Raison d'Etre

Friday's Wall Street Journal, honoring the late conservative blogger and new media whiz Andrew Breitbart, reprinted (link requires subscription) the following quote from his recent book Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World:
If the political left weren't so joyless, humorless, intrusive, taxing, overtaxing, anarchistic, controlling, rudderless, chaos-prone, pedantic, unrealistic, hypocritical, clueless, politically correct, angry, cruel, sanctimonious, retributive, redistributive, intolerant - and if the political left weren't hell-bent on expansion of said unpleasantness into all aspects of my family's life - the truth is, I would not be in your life.

If the Democratic Party were run by Joe Lieberman and Evan Bayh, if it had the slightest vestige of JFK and Henry "Scoop" Jackson, I wouldn't be on the political map.

If the American media were run by biased but not evil Tim Russerts and David Brinkleys, I wouldn't have joined the fight....

If America's pop-cultural ambassadors like Alec Baldwin and Janeane Garofalo didn't come back from their foreign trips to tell us how much they hate us, if my pay cable didn't highlight a comedy show every week that called me a racist for embracing constitutional principles and limited government, I wouldn't be at Tea Parties screaming my love for this great, charitable, and benevolent country.

I am a reluctant cultural warrior.
Andrew Breitbart speaks for a lot of us.