Sunday, March 25, 2012

Louisiana Results

Santorum's win in Louisiana yesterday was as clear-cut and decisive as Romney's in Illinois, perhaps a touch moreso. See the Associated Press results from Google below:
  • 49.0% Santorum
  • 26.7% Romney
  • 15.9% Gingrich
  • 06.1% Paul
  • 02.3% Other
Those pundits who say that as a nation we are becoming more and more polarized geographically and by social class certainly seem to have a point. Oddly, it is the same division the Democrats had in 2008 when Obama appealed to the uppers and Clinton to the lowers.

Meanwhile, Gingrich has failed to win three consecutive Southern states: Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Nor has he shown strength in non-Southern states.

An educated man, Newt must understand that he now embodies the concept "quixotic." It is time to bow out, and it's frankly too late for him to do it gracefully.