Wednesday, July 18, 2012

France Wimps Out Again

The "cheese eating surrender monkeys" of France are at it again.* See the Reuters article on Yahoo News for details of their likely pull-out from NATO.

Apparently former President Sarkozy was the only French leader willing to pull his share of the load in the organization responsible for the defense of Europe. Unfortunately geography is on their side; France is the heart of Western Europe, most other NATO countries hang around the fringes of France.

The French wimp-out of NATO presents an opportunity. The U.S. can declare that without France NATO makes little sense and also leave. Pulling our troops out of Europe would save us much money.

It would pressure European governments to spend realistic amounts on defense, something they've not done since 1945. It's high time Europe defends itself.

*The Simpsons TV series first popularized this insulting name for the French. Wikipedia attributes it to writer Ken Keeler.