Thursday, July 19, 2012

Coulter on Steroids

Ann Coulter has a column for on the ways Democrats are biasing the electorate in their favor. She dances along the knife edge of racism and cites some interesting statistics along the way.

This Coulter is so full of quotable punch lines I don't know where to begin, there must be 20 of 'em. I'll give you a few samples:
  • Just like California, the United States is on its way to becoming a Third World, one-party state.
  • Every time someone gets a divorce, Democrats think: We got a new Democratic voter! Every time a child is born out of wedlock: We got a new Democratic voter! And if the woman has an abortion -- we got a new Democratic voter!
  • The Democrats' siren song to single women is: Don't worry, the government will be your husband. 
Love it or hate it, you must read this Coulter column.