Sunday, January 6, 2013

Boom Years Ahead?

Then CIA deputy director Herbert Meyer predicted the end of the Cold War, in a well-known memo entitled "Why Is the World So Dangerous?" He's made another prediction that is out of the norm, entitled "The Next Big Thing from the Official Who Predicted Communism's Demise." See what he says:
The world is emerging from poverty fast. This is the biggest under-reported news story in the world. (snip) If we can continue this trend within our lifetimes, and certainly within our children’s lifetimes, the overwhelming majority of human beings will no longer be poor.  This is the biggest thing that’s happened in the entire world. (snip) Their demand for our goods and services will set off an economic boom.
My source for this quote is a Power Line article by Steven Hayward. The original source is an interview in Forbes. One reason poverty is declining is that population growth has leveled off in all developed countries, and some not-so-developed ones, too.