Friday, June 21, 2013

Lumberjacks in the Front Yard

We had a very large aspen tree blow over in the front yard of our WY house. I guess "blow over" is a slight exaggeration, it ended up leaning toward the house at about a 45 degree angle, resting on two other trees.

We were obviously concerned it might fall on the house. We got some tree specialists to take it down. Darn, they sure did a nice job!

The lumberjacks  harnessed the tree to keep it off the house, dropped that big, old tree exactly where it would do no damage, cut it up in 16" lengths, stacked the cut wood, piled the brush, and were gone in 1.5 hours. Amazing what a combination of skill, young bodIes, and the right tools can accomplish.

I don't often do pix on this blog. You can see pix of this activity at, the other DrC's blog.

We don't have a fireplace in our summer house. Someone else will burn the firewood, not this winter but next as it is still too green. Aspen is very wet wood, when freshly cut as this is.

It is hard to imagine an aspen forest burning, the green wood is so wet. If it burns what keeps it going is the dead wood on the forest floor. Aspens "self-prune," they shed more than leaves, they also drop limbs and periodically a whole tree falls.