Sunday, June 9, 2013

Remember Your Father

A week from today is Fathers Day. If you're lucky enough to still have one, let him know you appreciate him. We are a society that undervalues fathers, and we are paying a price for that undervaluing.

Children raised in households without fathers (and/or mothers, too) do not thrive nearly as well as children raised in households with two parents. Yes, I know this is a generality and there are exceptions. But if you are a gambling person, you bet on the kids from homes with mothers and fathers. Their odds of success are much better.

I learned lots of good stuff from my father; I wish I had told him that before he died. One of my favorite bits of fatherly wisdom was this: "Son, women are wonderful, but their thermostats don't work very well. They are rarely comfortable, nearly always too hot or too cold, mostly too cold."