Tuesday, July 30, 2013

2014 - 30 = 1984

Do you remember reading George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 decades ago in your youth? I do and it still gives me the willies.

Victor Davis Hanson has written for PJ Media a column in which he describes modern American life in terms which make it recognizable as that horrifying book. Damn, it is a spooky endeavor, very well done, Vic. Hat tip to Lucianne.com for the link.

Hanson says we go through our days forced to allege in public as true things we know to be false. We do this because to do otherwise is to be in danger of one or another kind of public banning, career disaster, or worse.

An example Hanson doesn't include in his column: we publicly say Islam is a "religion of peace" when we all know differently. It is today the major "ism" in whose name acts of terror are carried out on this planet - another truth we cannot speak.

I know Hanson is correct; I write here things I would not have dared write as a faculty member of a state university. I spent thirty years self-censoring my lectures, and luckily was good at doing it.

Still today I self-censor this blog so as not to seem too extreme, too radical, too "wing-nut." My stale joke to liberals: "I'm conservative, but no Nazi."