Wednesday, July 17, 2013

An Argument for Non-Intervention

I just read a CNN World article with the title "The Perils of Non-Intervention in Syria" by Will Marshall. He describes conditions in Syria accurately enough and draws the conclusion that the U.S. absolutely must become involved.

He describes two of the U.S.'s opponents - the Shia world led by Iran and the Sunni jihadis - killing each other in wholesale quantities. What he fails to mention is that they aren't killing us.

I agree with Marshall's description of conditions and conclude contrary-wise that we absolutely must not become involved. You know the old adage about "why don't you and him fight?"

That's what is happening in Syria. Two groups that hate the U.S. are beating each other to a pulp, what could be more ideal?

We need to stand back and ask them softly to stop the awful fighting. It will have absolutely no effect whatsoever, but it puts us on the side of peace.