Monday, July 29, 2013

Not Our Argument

Every U.S. president of my memory, which unfortunately reaches back several decades, has tried to reconcile the Israelis and Palestinians. Has tried to get the two to agree upon a two-state solution.

Every president has tried to get the parties to share the otherwise unremarkable Holy Land which is prized by at least three major world religions. Three or more religions depending upon whether you recognize the various sects of each as separate faiths.

For the longest time I took this presidential behavior for granted. I assumed it was simply one of the duties of the office. No longer.

Now I actively resist the idea that the U.S. must mediate in this long-standing conflict. Other than supporting Israel against external and internal aggression, why must we be involved?

Recent fracking developments have made the U.S. substantially more independent with respect to petroleum supplies. What happens in the Middle East is of less immediate economic interest to the U.S. than was once the case.

Perhaps the parties might be more willing to compromise if they didn't believe we would be there to twist their enemy's arm.