Saturday, February 8, 2014

English Indifferent to Scots' Departure

Yesterday we wrote of the possibility of Scottish independence, following a referendum happening in mid-September of this year. A column for The Guardian reports widespread English indifference to Scotland's departure.

It cites a slogan used by the pro-independence side in Scotland: "No more Tory governments. Ever."  What if the reported English indifference reflects a reciprocal "No more Labour governments. Ever." sentiment?

A related factor may be a desire to stop subsidizing the perpetually depressed Scots economy. The Scots' desire to continue a social democratic regime - that is, government aid to one and all - is currently paid for by the more prosperous English via income transfers headed north.

One presumes this transfer would end upon devolution or, more colloquially, divorce. Methinks there is no court in which an independent Scotland can sue for "alimony."