Monday, July 14, 2014

Cillizza Takes Stock

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza finds us in the summer lull before the autumn political storm leading to the election and takes stock of where we are now politically. Here are his conclusions, see the article for an explanation of each.
1. Obama and Republicans in Congress are done dealing with each other.
2. Nothing is getting done in Congress.
3. Obama is likely to be a drag on his party this fall.
4. Republicans are favored to retake the Senate.
5. Hillary is running.
6. The Republican field is a jumble.
7. The GOP’s demographic problems are getting worse.
8. Being in party leadership ain’t what it used to be.
I agree with the first six. Number seven, an article of faith with Democrat Cillizza, may turn out to be wrong. Some preliminary evidence suggests blacks are ticked at Obama's "flood the U.S. with Hispanics" policy, a policy not in their interest. And I believe in number eight he underestimates Boehner's enjoyment in being "Mr. Speaker."