Saturday, July 26, 2014

He's Nostalgic

Poor Norm Ornstein, he writes in National Journal that the inmates have taken over the GOP asylum. It would appear that he is another Arlen Specter, a man whose party evolved away from him. Ornstein is nostalgic for the days of Rockefeller Republicans, and GOP governors like Earl Warren.

Heck, I'm nostalgic for the days when there were pro-defense Democrats like Scoop Jackson and Sam Nunn. Gutsy guys like Harry Truman, who dropped the A-Bomb, led the Berlin airlift, and went to war in Korea. They don't exist today either.

For better or worse, we now have two relatively pure ideological parties: Democrat (left) and Republican (right). Live with it.

Today conflict in the GOP is between the hawkish neocon right, the isolationist libertarian right, and the religious social conservative right. It's between I-love-cheap-immigrant-labor fat cats and defend-the-culture tea partiers. The proverbial tent is still big, it just doesn't cover many squishes.