Saturday, July 26, 2014

Inaction Explained

Dr. Krauthammer shows off his erudition in this column for National Review. He has developed a hunch about why President Obama does nothing about the various places in turmoil: Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Libya, not to mention Venezuela.

Dr. K has deduced that Obama believes nothing need be done, because the slow-acting forces of history are on the side of good. Tell that to the tens of millions murdered on the orders of Stalin, Hitler, Tojo, Mao, Pol Pot, and their ilk. History wasn't nearly quick enough to save their lives.

Our gentle readers know COTTonLINE's theory of Obama inaction. As an affirmative action President, what Obama does is far less important than who Obama is. And he understands this.

Other than occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, give speeches and fund-raise, doing things isn't important for Obama, whereas taking action means taking a risk for no very good reason. So he doesn't.

A substantial proportion of those who voted for him are happy just to have someone other than a white male holding the job. As low information voters, his foreign affairs inaction is unknown to most of them, and largely irrelevant to the rest.