Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ledeen Is Right

Writing for PJ Media, Michael Ledeen lays down some harsh truths we Americans need to force ourselves to remember, always. Three examples:
Of all the popular myths about “how the world works,” the most dangerous to us at this moment is the one that goes “peace is normal, war is an aberration.”  Truth is, war is normal and peace very unusual.

There’s a good reason for that old Roman wisdom “if you want peace, prepare for war.” It’s because “peace” most always happens when somebody wins a war, and then imposes conditions on the losers.

War, and the runup to more war, is the order of the day, as it has been for most of human history. Our real options are the same as they have always been: win or lose. Both lead to “peace,” but the one is a happy peace while the other is an extended humiliation.
Or extinction. Let's man the battlements.