Monday, July 21, 2014

The Duck Test

There's an old saying: If it waddles like a duck, and quacks, it is probably a duck. The underlying wisdom is that things are often what they seem to be.

Now Rasmussen has polling data looking at American's belief in various conspiracy theories. Of most interest to COTTonLINE is that twenty-three percent of respondents
Say the theory that Obama is not an American citizen is true, with another 17% who aren't sure. Sixty percent (60%) reject that theory as false.
Adding 23% and 17% tells you 40% of Americans aren't convinced President Obama is an American citizen. Even more fascinating is the following:
Forty-one percent (41%) of Republicans believe Obama is not an American citizen, compared to 21% of unaffiliateds and 11% of Democrats. Just over 20% of Republicans and unaffiliated adults also are not sure, but only seven percent (7%) of those in the president's party share that doubt.
It's amazing 18% of Democrats - roughly 7.5 million - aren't certain of the president's citizenship. People, including members of his own party, are unsure of Obama's bonafides because behaviorally he doesn't act like an American. He doesn't pass the "duck test."

COTTonLINE notes the relatively few objective facts of his early life which are known are sufficient to suggest a view of "unsure." Foreign father and stepfather, expat mother, overseas residence and schooling, use of multiple names, alleged foreign student status in college, questionable associates, plus what appear to be deliberate attempts to obscure details of that life are all red flags. Hat tip to Drudge Report for the link.