Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tough New Immigration Poll Data

A just released Associated Press-GfK poll concerning American attitudes toward illegal immigration shows attitudes toward immigration are hardening. Some of its findings:
  • Sixty-eight percent disapprove of Obama's handling of immigration.
  • Republicans do a better job of handling immigration than Democrats but nearly thirty percent trust neither party on the issue.
  • A majority (53%) believe the U.S. has no moral obligation to offer asylum to those fleeing from persecution.
  • More Americans oppose than favor the current law regarding Central American immigrants.
  • A majority believe all children should be treated like Mexican and Canadian children. That is, sent home without a deportation hearing.
If you see an allegation Americans favor letting the kids stay, remember what they told the AP's pollsters. The wording of the poll's actual questions shows GfK bent over backwards to evoke warm hearted responses. They failed, utterly.