Monday, September 14, 2015

GOP Elites Out of Touch with Base

Writing for RealClearPolitics, Scott Rasmussen adds his voice to those who are saying the GOP establishment is out of sync with its voters.
The key to understanding the 2016 Republican presidential primary process is recognizing how completely the GOP establishment has lost touch with reality.

The official Republican autopsy of the 2012 election ignored the real divide in the party and understated the party’s strength. In retrospect, it appears more aimed at fighting Republican voters than Democratic candidates. Or, perhaps, it was an effort to pre-sell the nomination of another establishment candidate like Jeb Bush.

The story so far of the 2016 presidential election is the furious rejection of that plan by Republican voters. What remains to be seen is how the establishment Republicans deal with that rejection. Will they split the party, or will they finally accept reality by working with a candidate more acceptable to Republican voters?
We're tired of voting for "lesser of two evils" candidates, or saying "a pox on both houses" and staying home.