Thursday, September 10, 2015

Oregon's Anti-CA Bias Not New, Not News

Hot Air carries a short piece about Oregonians being upset at Californians moving there. The writer, Jazz Shaw, acts like this is something new.

Maybe putting "No Californian" stickers on real estate For Sale signs is new. Anti-Californian prejudice is certainly not.

As an out-of-state graduate student at University of Oregon, I spent three years living in Oregon. This was in the mid-1970s, nearly 40 years ago.

Believe me, anti-Californian bias among Oregonians was alive and well in those drug-saturated days of yore. The slogan was "Don't Californicate Oregon!"

More than once locals suggested maybe I'd be happier somewhere else, a suggestion with which I always readily agreed. Their relief, when I assured them I'd be gone as soon as I completed my degree, was amazing.

And I was as good as my word, I moved back to California before the degree was even finished.

I could hardly wait to leave OR; eight months of gray, overcast skies and rain each year was too depressing. I wrote my dissertation while teaching in CA.

As a native Californian I'm used to shirt-sleeves warmth, sunshine and blue skies most of the year. Now in retirement the DrsC experience optimal weather almost year-around, by living in three different places each year ... not quite "endless summer," more like endless late spring.